Mobile Entertainment


*#3262255*8378# (*#DANCALL*TEST#) to make secret Engineering menu (menu 10) appear.

10. Engineering
10.1 MS Info
10.1.1 on
10.1.2 off
10.2 Software details
10.2.1 Software version
10.2.2 EEPROM version
10.2 Test / Production details
10.3.1 Hardware data
10.3.2 Production data
10.3.3 Service data
10.3.4 Mechanical data

*#06# to display the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity)
*#0000# to set the language automaticaly (Reset to english)
*#3370# to set the Enhaced Full Rate
#3370# to Reset the phone
*#9000# to enter sim lock code
*#9001# To enter the corporate code (Bosch 908)

*#9002# To enter the provider code (Bosch 908)
*#9003# to enter the network code
*#9004# to enter the subset code
*#9100# to remove the sim lock permanently
*#9101# to remove the corporate lock permanently
*#9102# to remove the provider lock permanently

*#9103# to remove the network lock permanently
*#9104# to remove the subset lock permanently

(SIM-lock is NOT the SP-lock/Service Provider lock!!)

Important Note

Try these Codes at Your own Risk ! We don't accept any Complaints.
Some of these Codes may not Work.

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